Source code for pylas.vlrs.known

""" The definition of the VLR Header, VLR, the KnownVLRs
 are in this module.

 A KnownVLR is a VLR for which we know how to parse its record_data
import abc
import ctypes
import struct
from abc import abstractmethod

from .rawvlr import NULL_BYTE, BaseVLR, VLR
from ..extradims import get_type_for_extra_dim, get_signedness_for_extra_dim, DimensionSignedness

[docs]class IKnownVLR(abc.ABC): """ Interface that any KnownVLR must implement. A KnownVLR is a VLR for which we know how to parse its record_data Implementing this interfaces allows to automatically call the right parser for the right VLR when reading them. """
[docs] @staticmethod @abstractmethod def official_user_id(): """ Shall return the official user_id as described in the documentation """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod @abstractmethod def official_record_ids(): """ Shall return the official record_id for the VLR .. note:: Even if the VLR has one record_id, the return type must be a tuple Returns ------- tuple of int The record_ids this VLR type can have """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def record_data_bytes(self): """ Shall return the bytes corresponding to the record_data part of the VLR as they should be written in the file. Returns ------- bytes The bytes of the vlr's record_data """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def parse_record_data(self, record_data): """ Shall parse the given record_data into a user-friendlier structure Parameters ---------- record_data: bytes The record_data bytes read from the file """ pass
[docs]class BaseKnownVLR(BaseVLR, IKnownVLR): """ Base Class to factorize common code between the different type of Known VLRs """ def __init__(self, record_id=None, description=""): super().__init__( self.official_user_id(), self.official_record_ids()[0] if record_id is None else record_id, description, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_raw(cls, raw): vlr = cls() vlr.description = raw.header.description.decode("ascii") vlr.parse_record_data(raw.record_data) return vlr
[docs]class ClassificationLookupVlr(BaseKnownVLR): """ This vlr maps class numbers to short descriptions / names >>> lookup = ClassificationLookupVlr() >>> lookup[0] = "never_classified" >>> lookup[2] = "ground" >>> lookup[0] 'never_classified' """ _lookup_struct = struct.Struct("<B15s") def __init__(self): super().__init__(description="Classification Lookup") self.lookups = {}
[docs] def parse_record_data(self, record_data): if len(record_data) % self._lookup_struct.size != 0: raise ValueError( "Length of ClassificationLookup VLR's record_data must be a multiple of {}".format( self._lookup_struct.size ) ) for i in range(len(record_data) // self._lookup_struct.size): class_id, desc = self._lookup_struct.unpack_from( record_data, self._lookup_struct.size * i ) self.lookups[class_id] = desc.split(b"\x00")[0].decode("ascii")
[docs] def record_data_bytes(self): def lookup_converter(lookup_dict): for class_id, description in lookup_dict.items(): description_bytes = description.encode("ascii") if len(description_bytes) > 15: raise ValueError( "decription ({}) is to long ({} bytes), it must not exceed 15 bytes when encoded".format( description, len(description_bytes) ) ) yield class_id, description_bytes return b"".join( self._lookup_struct.pack(class_id, desc) for class_id, desc in lookup_converter(self.lookups) )
def __getitem__(self, class_id): return self.lookups[class_id] def __setitem__(self, class_id, description): if class_id not in range(256): raise ValueError("Class id {} is not in range [0, 255]".format(class_id)) self.lookups[class_id] = description
[docs] @staticmethod def official_user_id(): return "LASF_Spec"
[docs] @staticmethod def official_record_ids(): return (0,)
[docs]class LasZipVlr(BaseKnownVLR): """ Contains the informations needed by laszip & lazperf to compress the point records. """ def __init__(self, data): super().__init__(description="") self.record_data = data
[docs] def parse_record_data(self, record_data): # Only laz-perf/laszip knows how to parse this pass
[docs] def record_data_bytes(self): return self.record_data
[docs] @staticmethod def official_user_id(): return "laszip encoded"
[docs] @staticmethod def official_record_ids(): return (22204,)
[docs] @classmethod def from_raw(cls, raw_vlr): return cls(raw_vlr.record_data)
[docs]class ExtraBytesStruct(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure): _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ("reserved", ctypes.c_uint8 * 2), ("data_type", ctypes.c_uint8), ("options", ctypes.c_uint8), ("name", ctypes.c_char * 32), ("unused", ctypes.c_uint8 * 4), ("_no_data", (ctypes.c_byte * 8) * 3), ("_min", (ctypes.c_byte * 8) * 3), ("_max", (ctypes.c_byte * 8) * 3), ("_scale", (ctypes.c_byte * 8) * 3), ("_offset", (ctypes.c_byte * 8) * 3), ("description", ctypes.c_char * 32), ] _uint64t_struct = struct.Struct("<Q") _int64t_struct = struct.Struct("<q") _double_struct = struct.Struct("<d") def _struct_parser_for_type_signedness(self): signedness = get_signedness_for_extra_dim(self.data_type) if signedness == DimensionSignedness.FLOATING: return self._double_struct elif signedness == DimensionSignedness.SIGNED: return self._int64t_struct elif signedness == DimensionSignedness.UNSIGNED: return self._uint64t_struct else: return None def _parse_special_property(self, name): strct = self._struct_parser_for_type_signedness() return tuple(strct.unpack(d)[0] for d in getattr(self, name)) @property def no_data(self): return self._parse_special_property("_no_data") @property def min(self): return self._parse_special_property("_min") @property def max(self): return self._parse_special_property("_max") @property def offset(self): return self._parse_special_property("_offset") @property def scale(self): return self._parse_special_property("_scale")
[docs] def format_name(self): return" ", "_").replace("-", "_")
[docs] def type_tuple(self): if self.data_type == 0: return self.format_name(), "{}u1".format(self.options) return self.format_name(), get_type_for_extra_dim(self.data_type)
[docs] @staticmethod def size(): return ctypes.sizeof(ExtraBytesStruct)
def __repr__(self): return "<ExtraBytesStruct({}, {}, {})>".format( *self.type_tuple(), self.description )
[docs]class ExtraBytesVlr(BaseKnownVLR): def __init__(self): super().__init__(description="Extra Bytes Record") self.extra_bytes_structs = []
[docs] def parse_record_data(self, data): if (len(data) % ExtraBytesStruct.size()) != 0: raise ValueError( "Data length of ExtraBytes vlr must be a multiple of {}".format( ExtraBytesStruct.size() ) ) num_extra_bytes_structs = len(data) // ExtraBytesStruct.size() self.extra_bytes_structs = [None] * num_extra_bytes_structs for i in range(num_extra_bytes_structs): self.extra_bytes_structs[i] = ExtraBytesStruct.from_buffer_copy( data[ExtraBytesStruct.size() * i : ExtraBytesStruct.size() * (i + 1)] )
[docs] def record_data_bytes(self): return b"".join( bytes(extra_struct) for extra_struct in self.extra_bytes_structs )
[docs] def type_of_extra_dims(self): return [extra_dim.type_tuple() for extra_dim in self.extra_bytes_structs]
def __repr__(self): return "<ExtraBytesVlr(extra bytes structs: {})>".format( len(self.extra_bytes_structs) )
[docs] @staticmethod def official_user_id(): return "LASF_Spec"
[docs] @staticmethod def official_record_ids(): return (4,)
[docs]class WaveformPacketStruct(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure): _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ("bits_per_sample", ctypes.c_ubyte), ("waveform_compression_type", ctypes.c_ubyte), ("number_of_samples", ctypes.c_uint32), ("temporal_sample_spacing", ctypes.c_uint32), ("digitizer_gain", ctypes.c_double), ("digitizer_offset", ctypes.c_double), ]
[docs] @staticmethod def size(): return ctypes.sizeof(WaveformPacketStruct)
[docs]class WaveformPacketVlr(BaseKnownVLR): def __init__(self, record_id, description=""): super().__init__(record_id=record_id, description=description) self.parsed_record = None
[docs] def parse_record_data(self, record_data): self.parsed_record = WaveformPacketStruct.from_buffer_copy(record_data)
[docs] def record_data_bytes(self): return bytes(self.parsed_record)
[docs] @staticmethod def official_record_ids(): return range(100, 356)
[docs] @staticmethod def official_user_id(): return "LASF_Spec"
[docs] @classmethod def from_raw(cls, raw_vlr): vlr = cls( raw_vlr.header.record_id, description=raw_vlr.header.description.decode() ) vlr.description = raw_vlr.header.description vlr.parse_record_data(raw_vlr.record_data) return vlr
[docs]class GeoKeyEntryStruct(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure): _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ("id", ctypes.c_uint16), ("tiff_tag_location", ctypes.c_uint16), ("count", ctypes.c_uint16), ("value_offset", ctypes.c_uint16), ]
[docs] @staticmethod def size(): return ctypes.sizeof(GeoKeysHeaderStructs)
def __repr__(self): return "<GeoKey(Id: {}, Location: {}, count: {}, offset: {})>".format(, self.tiff_tag_location, self.count, self.value_offset )
[docs]class GeoKeysHeaderStructs(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure): _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ("key_direction_version", ctypes.c_uint16), ("key_revision", ctypes.c_uint16), ("minor_revision", ctypes.c_uint16), ("number_of_keys", ctypes.c_uint16), ] def __init__(self): super().__init__( key_directory_version=1, key_revision=1, minor_revision=0, number_of_kets=0 )
[docs] @staticmethod def size(): return ctypes.sizeof(GeoKeysHeaderStructs)
def __repr__(self): return "<GeoKeysHeader(vers: {}, rev:{}, minor: {}, num_keys: {})>".format( self.key_direction_version, self.key_revision, self.minor_revision, self.number_of_keys, )
[docs]class GeoKeyDirectoryVlr(BaseKnownVLR): def __init__(self): super().__init__(description="GeoTIFF GeoKeyDirectoryTag") self.geo_keys_header = GeoKeysHeaderStructs() self.geo_keys = [GeoKeyEntryStruct()]
[docs] def parse_record_data(self, record_data): record_data = bytearray(record_data) header_data = record_data[: ctypes.sizeof(GeoKeysHeaderStructs)] self.geo_keys_header = GeoKeysHeaderStructs.from_buffer(header_data) self.geo_keys = [] keys_data = record_data[GeoKeysHeaderStructs.size() :] num_keys = ( len(record_data[GeoKeysHeaderStructs.size() :]) // GeoKeyEntryStruct.size() ) if num_keys != self.geo_keys_header.number_of_keys: # print("Mismatch num keys") self.geo_keys_header.number_of_keys = num_keys for i in range(self.geo_keys_header.number_of_keys): data = keys_data[ (i * GeoKeyEntryStruct.size()) : (i + 1) * GeoKeyEntryStruct.size() ] self.geo_keys.append(GeoKeyEntryStruct.from_buffer(data))
[docs] def record_data_bytes(self): b = bytes(self.geo_keys_header) b += b"".join(map(bytes, self.geo_keys)) return b
def __repr__(self): return "<{}({} geo_keys)>".format(self.__class__.__name__, len(self.geo_keys))
[docs] @staticmethod def official_user_id(): return "LASF_Projection"
[docs] @staticmethod def official_record_ids(): return (34735,)
[docs]class GeoDoubleParamsVlr(BaseKnownVLR): def __init__(self): super().__init__(description="GeoTIFF GeoDoubleParamsTag") self.doubles = []
[docs] def parse_record_data(self, record_data): sizeof_double = ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_double) if len(record_data) % sizeof_double != 0: raise ValueError( "GeoDoubleParams record data length () is not a multiple of sizeof(double) ()".format( len(record_data), sizeof_double ) ) record_data = bytearray(record_data) num_doubles = len(record_data) // sizeof_double for i in range(num_doubles): b = record_data[i * sizeof_double : (i + 1) * sizeof_double] self.doubles.append(ctypes.c_double.from_buffer(b))
[docs] def record_data_bytes(self): return b"".join(map(bytes, self.doubles))
def __repr__(self): return "<GeoDoubleParamsVlr({})>".format(self.doubles)
[docs] @staticmethod def official_user_id(): return "LASF_Projection"
[docs] @staticmethod def official_record_ids(): return (34736,)
[docs]class GeoAsciiParamsVlr(BaseKnownVLR): def __init__(self): super().__init__(description="GeoTIFF GeoAsciiParamsTag") self.strings = []
[docs] def parse_record_data(self, record_data): self.strings = [s.decode("ascii") for s in record_data.split(NULL_BYTE)]
[docs] def record_data_bytes(self): return NULL_BYTE.join(s.encode("ascii") for s in self.strings)
def __repr__(self): return "<GeoAsciiParamsVlr({})>".format(self.strings)
[docs] @staticmethod def official_user_id(): return "LASF_Projection"
[docs] @staticmethod def official_record_ids(): return (34737,)
[docs]class WktMathTransformVlr(BaseKnownVLR): """ From the Spec: Note that the math transform WKT record is added for completeness, and a coordinate system WKT may or may not require a math transform WKT record """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(description="") self.string = "" def _encode_string(self): return self.string.encode("utf-8") + NULL_BYTE
[docs] def parse_record_data(self, record_data): self.string = record_data.decode("utf-8")
[docs] def record_data_bytes(self): return self._encode_string()
[docs] @staticmethod def official_user_id(): return "LASF_Projection"
[docs] @staticmethod def official_record_ids(): return (2112,)
[docs]class WktCoordinateSystemVlr(BaseKnownVLR): """ Replaces Coordinates Reference System for new las files (point fmt >= 5) "LAS is not using the “ESRI WKT” """ def __init__(self, wkt_string=""): super().__init__(description="OGC Transformation Record") self.string = wkt_string def _encode_string(self): return self.string.encode("utf-8") + NULL_BYTE
[docs] def parse_record_data(self, record_data): self.string = record_data.decode("utf-8")
[docs] def record_data_bytes(self): return self._encode_string()
[docs] @staticmethod def official_user_id(): return "LASF_Projection"
[docs] @staticmethod def official_record_ids(): return (2112,)
[docs]def vlr_factory(raw_vlr): """ Given a raw_vlr tries to find its corresponding KnownVLR class that can parse its data. If no KnownVLR implementation is found, returns a VLR (record_data will still be bytes) """ user_id = raw_vlr.header.user_id.rstrip(NULL_BYTE).decode() known_vlrs = BaseKnownVLR.__subclasses__() for known_vlr in known_vlrs: if ( known_vlr.official_user_id() == user_id and raw_vlr.header.record_id in known_vlr.official_record_ids() ): return known_vlr.from_raw(raw_vlr) else: return VLR.from_raw(raw_vlr)