Source code for pylas.compression

""" The functions related to the LAZ format (compressed LAS)
Lazperf is made optional by catching the ModuleNotFoundError, and raising an exception
when compression/decompression is actually needed

There are also functions to use Laszip (meant to be used as a fallback)
import os
import subprocess
from enum import Enum, auto

import numpy as np

from .errors import PylasError, LazError


    import lazperf

    HAS_LAZPERF = True
    # we should capture ModuleNotFoundError but it's a python3.6 exception type
    # and ReadTheDocs uses 3.5
    HAS_LAZPERF = False

[docs]def raise_if_no_lazperf(): if not HAS_LAZPERF: raise LazError("Lazperf is not installed") elif lazperf.__version__ < "1.3.0": raise LazError( "Version >= 1.3.0 required, you have {}".format(lazperf.__version__) )
[docs]def is_point_format_compressed(point_format_id): compression_bit_7 = (point_format_id & 0x80) >> 7 compression_bit_6 = (point_format_id & 0x40) >> 6 if not compression_bit_6 and compression_bit_7: return True return False
[docs]def compressed_id_to_uncompressed(point_format_id): return point_format_id & 0x3f
[docs]def uncompressed_id_to_compressed(point_format_id): return (2 ** 7) | point_format_id
[docs]def lazrs_decompress_buffer(compressed_buffer, point_size, point_count, laszip_vlr, parallel=True): try: import lazrs except Exception as e: raise LazError("lazrs is not installed") from e try: point_compressed = np.frombuffer(compressed_buffer, dtype=np.uint8) vlr_data = np.frombuffer(laszip_vlr.record_data, dtype=np.uint8) point_decompressed = np.zeros(point_count * point_size, np.uint8) lazrs.decompress_points(point_compressed, vlr_data, point_decompressed, parallel) except lazrs.LazrsError as e: raise LazError("lazrs error: {}".format(e)) from e else: return point_decompressed
[docs]def lazrs_compress_points(points_data, parallel=True): try: import lazrs except Exception as e: raise LazError("lazrs is not installed") from e try: vlr = lazrs.LazVlr.new_for_compression(, points_data.point_format.num_extra_bytes) compressed_data = lazrs.compress_points( vlr, np.frombuffer(points_data.array, np.uint8), parallel ) except lazrs.LazrsError as e: raise LazError("lazrs error: {}".format(e)) from e else: return compressed_data, vlr.record_data()
[docs]def lazperf_decompress_buffer(compressed_buffer, point_size, point_count, laszip_vlr): raise_if_no_lazperf() try: point_compressed = np.frombuffer(compressed_buffer, dtype=np.uint8) vlr_data = np.frombuffer(laszip_vlr.record_data, dtype=np.uint8) decompressor = lazperf.VLRDecompressor( point_compressed, point_size, vlr_data ) point_uncompressed = decompressor.decompress_points(point_count) return point_uncompressed except RuntimeError as e: raise LazError("lazperf error: {}".format(e))
[docs]def lazperf_create_laz_vlr(points_record): raise_if_no_lazperf() try: record_schema = lazperf.RecordSchema() if >= 6: raise PylasError("Can't compress points with format id >= 6") record_schema.add_point() if "gps_time" in points_record.dimensions_names: record_schema.add_gps_time() if "red" in points_record.dimensions_names: record_schema.add_rgb() num_extra_bytes = points_record.point_format.num_extra_bytes if num_extra_bytes > 0: record_schema.add_extra_bytes(num_extra_bytes) elif num_extra_bytes < 0: raise PylasError( "Incoherent number of extra bytes ({})".format(num_extra_bytes) ) return lazperf.LazVLR(record_schema) except RuntimeError as e: raise LazError("lazperf error: {}".format(e))
[docs]def lazperf_compress_points(points_data): try: laz_vrl = lazperf_create_laz_vlr(points_data) compressor = lazperf.VLRCompressor(laz_vrl.schema, 0) uncompressed_buffer = np.frombuffer(points_data.array, np.uint8) uncompressed_buffer = np.frombuffer(uncompressed_buffer, dtype=np.uint8) compressed = compressor.compress(uncompressed_buffer) return compressed, except RuntimeError as e: raise LazError("lazperf error: {}".format(e))
[docs]def find_laszip_executable(): laszip_names = ("laszip", "laszip.exe", "laszip-cli", "laszip-cli.exe") for binary in laszip_names: in_path = ( os.path.isfile(os.path.join(x, binary)) for x in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep) ) if any(in_path): return binary else: raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find laszip executable")
[docs]class LasZipProcess:
[docs] class Actions(Enum): Compress = auto() Decompress = auto()
def __init__(self, action, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE): """ Creates a Popen to the laszip executable. This tries to be a wrapper for Valid inputs for `stdin` and `stdout` are file objects supporting the fileno() method. For example files opened with `open`. The usage is kinda tricky: """ laszip_binary = find_laszip_executable() if action == LasZipProcess.Actions.Decompress: out_t = "-olas" elif action == LasZipProcess.Actions.Compress: out_t = "-olaz" else: raise ValueError("Invalid Action") self.prc = subprocess.Popen( [laszip_binary, "-stdin", out_t, "-stdout"], stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) @property def stdin(self): return self.prc.stdin @property def stdout(self): return self.prc.stdout
[docs] def wait(self): return self.prc.wait()
[docs] def communicate(self): stdout_data, stderr_data = self.prc.communicate() self.raise_if_bad_err_code(stderr_data.decode()) return stdout_data
[docs] def raise_if_bad_err_code(self, error_msg=None): if error_msg is None: error_msg = if self.prc.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError( "Laszip failed to {} with error code {}\n\t{}".format( "compress", self.prc.returncode, "\n\t".join(error_msg.splitlines()) ) )
[docs] def wait_until_finished(self): self.stdin.close() self.prc.wait() self.raise_if_bad_err_code(