Source code for pylas.header

import enum
import io
import logging
import struct
from datetime import date, timedelta
from typing import NamedTuple, BinaryIO, Optional, List, Union
from uuid import UUID

import numpy as np

from . import extradims
from .compression import (
from .errors import PylasError
from .point import dims
from .point.format import PointFormat, ExtraBytesParams
from .point.record import PackedPointRecord
from .vlrs.known import ExtraBytesStruct, ExtraBytesVlr
from .vlrs.vlrlist import VLRList

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


class Version(NamedTuple):
    major: int
    minor: int

    def from_str(cls, string: str) -> "Version":
        major, minor = tuple(map(int, string.split(".")))
        return cls(major, minor)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, str):
            return str(self) == other
            return other.major == self.major and other.minor == self.minor

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self.major}.{self.minor}"

class GpsTimeType(enum.IntEnum):
    WEEK_TIME = 0
    STANDARD = 1

class GlobalEncoding:
    GPS_TIME_TYPE_MASK = 0b0000_0000_0000_0001
    WAVEFORM_INTERNAL_MASK = 0b0000_0000_0000_0010  # 1.3
    WAVEFORM_EXTERNAL_MASK = 0b0000_0000_0000_0100  # 1.3
    SYNTHETIC_RETURN_NUMBERS_MASK = 0b0000_0000_0000_1000  # 1.3
    WKT_MASK = 0b0000_0000_0001_0000  # 1.4

    def __init__(self, value=0):
        self.value = value

    def gps_time_type(self) -> GpsTimeType:
        return GpsTimeType(self.value & self.GPS_TIME_TYPE_MASK)

    def waveform_internal(self) -> bool:
        return bool(self.value & self.WAVEFORM_INTERNAL_MASK)

    def waveform_external(self) -> bool:
        return bool(self.value & self.WAVEFORM_EXTERNAL_MASK)

    def synthetic_return_numbers(self) -> bool:
        return bool(self.value & self.SYNTHETIC_RETURN_NUMBERS_MASK)

    def wkt(self) -> bool:
        return bool(self.value & self.WKT_MASK)

    def read_from(cls, stream: BinaryIO) -> "GlobalEncoding":
        return cls(int.from_bytes(, byteorder="little", signed=False))

    def write_to(self, stream: BinaryIO) -> None:
        stream.write(self.value.to_bytes(2, byteorder="little", signed=False))

[docs]class LasHeader: """Contains the information from the header of as LAS file with 'implementation' field left out and 'users' field stored in more ergonomic classes. This header also contains the VLRs Examples -------- Creating a default header: >>> header = LasHeader() >>> header <LasHeader(1.2, <PointFormat(3, 0 bytes of extra dims)>)> Creating a header with the wanted version and point format: >>> header = LasHeader(version=Version(1, 4), point_format=PointFormat(6)) >>> header <LasHeader(1.4, <PointFormat(6, 0 bytes of extra dims)>)> >>> header = LasHeader(version="1.4", point_format=6) >>> header <LasHeader(1.4, <PointFormat(6, 0 bytes of extra dims)>)> """ #: The default version used when None is given to init DEFAULT_VERSION = Version(1, 2) #: The default point format Used when None is given to init DEFAULT_POINT_FORMAT = PointFormat(3) def __init__( self, *, version: Optional[Union[Version, str]] = None, point_format: Optional[Union[PointFormat, int]] = None, ) -> None: if isinstance(point_format, int): point_format = PointFormat(point_format) if isinstance(version, str): version = Version.from_str(version) if version is None and point_format is None: version = LasHeader.DEFAULT_VERSION point_format = LasHeader.DEFAULT_POINT_FORMAT elif version is not None and point_format is None: point_format = PointFormat(dims.min_point_format_for_version(str(version))) elif version is None and point_format is not None: version = Version.from_str( dims.min_file_version_for_point_format( ) dims.raise_if_version_not_compatible_with_fmt(, str(version)) #: File source id self.file_source_id: int = 0 self.global_encoding: GlobalEncoding = GlobalEncoding() #: Project ID #: Initialized to null UUID self.uuid: UUID = UUID(bytes_le=b"\0" * 16) self._version: Version = version #: System identifier #: Initialized to 'OTHER' self.system_identifier: str = "OTHER" #: The software which generated the file #: Initialized to 'pylas' self.generating_software: str = "pylas" self._point_format: PointFormat = point_format #: Day the file was created, initialized to self.creation_date: Optional[date] = #: The number of points in the file self.point_count: int = 0 #: The numbers used to scale the x,y,z coordinates self.scales: np.ndarray = np.array([0.01, 0.01, 0.01], dtype=np.float64) #: The numbers used to offset the x,y,z coordinates self.offsets: np.ndarray = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64) # The max values for x,y,z self.maxs: np.ndarray = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64) # The min values for x,y,z self.mins: np.ndarray = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64) #: Number of points by return #: for las <= 1.2 only the first 5 elements matters self.number_of_points_by_return: np.ndarray = np.zeros(15, dtype=np.uint32) #: The VLRS self.vlrs: VLRList = VLRList() #: Extra bytes between end of header and first vlrs self.extra_header_bytes: bytes = b"" #: Extra bytes between end of vlr end first point self.extra_vlr_bytes: bytes = b"" #: Las >= 1.3 self.start_of_waveform_data_packet_record: int = 0 #: Las >= 1.4 #: Offset to the first evlr in the file self.start_of_first_evlr: int = 0 #: The number of evlrs in the file self.number_of_evlrs: int = 0 # Info we keep because its useful for us but not the user self.offset_to_point_data: int = 0 self.are_points_compressed: bool = False self._sync_extra_bytes_vlr() @property def point_format(self) -> PointFormat: """The point format""" return self._point_format @point_format.setter def point_format(self, new_point_format: PointFormat) -> None: dims.raise_if_version_not_compatible_with_fmt(, str(self.version) ) self._point_format = new_point_format self._sync_extra_bytes_vlr() @property def version(self) -> Version: """The version""" return self._version @version.setter def version(self, version: Version) -> None: dims.raise_if_version_not_compatible_with_fmt(, str(version) ) self._version = version # scale properties @property def x_scale(self) -> float: return self.scales[0] @x_scale.setter def x_scale(self, value: float) -> None: self.scales[0] = value @property def y_scale(self) -> float: return self.scales[1] @y_scale.setter def y_scale(self, value: float) -> None: self.scales[1] = value @property def z_scale(self) -> float: return self.scales[2] @z_scale.setter def z_scale(self, value: float) -> None: self.scales[2] = value # offset properties @property def x_offset(self) -> float: return self.offsets[0] @x_offset.setter def x_offset(self, value: float) -> None: self.offsets[0] = value @property def y_offset(self) -> float: return self.offsets[1] @y_offset.setter def y_offset(self, value: float) -> None: self.offsets[1] = value @property def z_offset(self) -> float: return self.offsets[2] @z_offset.setter def z_offset(self, value: float) -> None: self.offsets[2] = value # max properties @property def x_max(self) -> float: return self.maxs[0] @x_max.setter def x_max(self, value: float) -> None: self.maxs[0] = value @property def y_max(self) -> float: return self.maxs[1] @y_max.setter def y_max(self, value: float) -> None: self.maxs[1] = value @property def z_max(self) -> float: return self.maxs[2] @z_max.setter def z_max(self, value: float) -> None: self.maxs[2] = value # min properties @property def x_min(self) -> float: return self.mins[0] @x_min.setter def x_min(self, value: float) -> None: self.mins[0] = value @property def y_min(self) -> float: return self.mins[1] @y_min.setter def y_min(self, value: float) -> None: self.mins[1] = value @property def z_min(self) -> float: return self.mins[2] @z_min.setter def z_min(self, value: float) -> None: self.mins[2] = value
[docs] def add_extra_dims(self, params: List[ExtraBytesParams]) -> None: for param in params: self.point_format.add_extra_dimension(param) self._sync_extra_bytes_vlr()
[docs] def add_extra_dim(self, params: ExtraBytesParams): self.add_extra_dims([params])
[docs] def set_version_and_point_format( self, version: Version, point_format: PointFormat ) -> None: dims.raise_if_version_not_compatible_with_fmt(, str(version)) self._version = version self.point_format = point_format
def partial_reset(self) -> None: self.creation_date = self.point_count = 0 self.maxs = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64) self.mins = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64) self.number_of_points_by_return = np.zeros(15, dtype=np.uint32) self.start_of_first_evlr = 0 self.number_of_evlrs = 0 def update(self, points: PackedPointRecord) -> None: self.x_max = max( self.x_max, (points["X"].max() * self.x_scale) + self.x_offset, ) self.y_max = max( self.y_max, (points["Y"].max() * self.y_scale) + self.y_offset, ) self.z_max = max( self.z_max, (points["Z"].max() * self.z_scale) + self.z_offset, ) self.x_min = min( self.x_min, (points["X"].min() * self.x_scale) + self.x_offset, ) self.y_min = min( self.y_min, (points["Y"].min() * self.y_scale) + self.y_offset, ) self.z_min = min( self.z_min, (points["Z"].min() * self.z_scale) + self.z_offset, ) for return_number, count in zip( *np.unique(points.return_number, return_counts=True) ): if return_number == 0: continue if return_number > len(self.number_of_points_by_return): break # np.unique sorts unique values self.number_of_points_by_return[return_number - 1] += count self.point_count += len(points) def set_compressed(self, state: bool) -> None: self.are_points_compressed = state @classmethod def read_from(cls, stream: BinaryIO, seekable=True) -> "LasHeader": little_endian = "little" header = cls() file_sig = if file_sig != LAS_FILE_SIGNATURE: raise PylasError(f'Invalid file signature "{file_sig}"') header.file_source_id = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False ) header.global_encoding = GlobalEncoding.read_from(stream) header.uuid = UUID( header._version = Version( int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False), int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False), ) header.system_identifier ="\0").decode() header.generating_software ="\0").decode() creation_day_of_year = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False ) creation_year = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False) try: header.creation_date = date(creation_year, 1, 1) + timedelta( creation_day_of_year - 1 ) except ValueError: header.creation_date = None header_size = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False) header.offset_to_point_data = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False ) number_of_vlrs = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False) point_format_id = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False) point_size = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False) header.point_count = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False) for i in range(5): header.number_of_points_by_return[i] = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False ) for i in range(3): header.scales[i] = struct.unpack("<d",[0] for i in range(3): header.offsets[i] = struct.unpack("<d",[0] for i in range(3): header.maxs[i] = struct.unpack("<d",[0] header.mins[i] = struct.unpack("<d",[0] if header.version.minor >= 3: header.start_of_waveform_data_packet_record = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False ) if header.version.minor >= 4: header.start_of_first_evlr = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False ) header.number_of_evlrs = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False ) header.point_count = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False ) for i in range(15): header.number_of_points_by_return[i] = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False ) if seekable: current_pos = stream.tell() else: current_pos = LAS_HEADERS_SIZE[str(header.version)] if current_pos < header_size: header.extra_header_bytes = - current_pos) elif current_pos > header_size: raise PylasError("Incoherent header size") header.vlrs = VLRList.read_from(stream, num_to_read=number_of_vlrs) if seekable: current_pos = stream.tell() if current_pos < header.offset_to_point_data: header.extra_vlr_bytes = header.offset_to_point_data - current_pos ) elif current_pos > header.offset_to_point_data: raise PylasError("Incoherent offset to point data") header.are_points_compressed = is_point_format_compressed(point_format_id) point_format_id = compressed_id_to_uncompressed(point_format_id) point_format = PointFormat(point_format_id) try: extra_dims = header.vlrs.get("ExtraBytesVlr")[0].type_of_extra_dims() except IndexError: pass else: if point_size == point_format.size: logger.warning( "There is an ExtraByteVlr but the header.point_size matches the " "point size without extra bytes. The extra bytes vlr info will be ignored" ) header.vlrs.extract("ExtraBytesVlr") else: for extra_dim_info in extra_dims: point_format.add_extra_dimension(extra_dim_info) header._point_format = point_format if point_size != point_format.size: raise PylasError("Incoherent point size") return header def write_to(self, stream: BinaryIO, write_vlrs: bool = True) -> None: little_endian = "little" if write_vlrs is True: with io.BytesIO() as tmp: self.vlrs.write_to(tmp) vlr_bytes = tmp.getvalue() stream.write(LAS_FILE_SIGNATURE) stream.write(self.file_source_id.to_bytes(2, little_endian, signed=False)) self.global_encoding.write_to(stream) stream.write(self.uuid.bytes_le) stream.write(self.version.major.to_bytes(1, little_endian, signed=False)) stream.write(self.version.minor.to_bytes(1, little_endian, signed=False)) system_identifier = self.system_identifier.encode("ascii") if len(system_identifier) > 32: logger.warning( f"system identifier does not fit into the 32 maximum bytes," f" it will be truncated" ) stream.write(system_identifier[:32]) else: stream.write(system_identifier.ljust(32, b"\0")) generating_software = self.generating_software.encode("ascii") if len(generating_software) > 32: logger.warning( f"generating software does not fit into the 32 maximum bytes," f" it will be truncated" ) stream.write(generating_software[:32]) else: stream.write(generating_software.ljust(32, b"\0")) if self.creation_date is None: self.creation_date = stream.write( self.creation_date.timetuple().tm_yday.to_bytes( 2, little_endian, signed=False ) ) stream.write(self.creation_date.year.to_bytes(2, little_endian, signed=False)) header_size = LAS_HEADERS_SIZE[str(self.version)] if write_vlrs is True: self.offset_to_point_data = header_size + len(vlr_bytes) stream.write(header_size.to_bytes(2, little_endian, signed=False)) stream.write(self.offset_to_point_data.to_bytes(4, little_endian, signed=False)) stream.write(len(self.vlrs).to_bytes(4, little_endian, signed=False)) point_format_id = if self.are_points_compressed: point_format_id = uncompressed_id_to_compressed(point_format_id) stream.write(point_format_id.to_bytes(1, little_endian, signed=False)) stream.write(self.point_format.size.to_bytes(2, little_endian, signed=False)) # Point Count if self.version.minor >= 4: stream.write(int(0).to_bytes(4, little_endian, signed=False)) for i in range(5): stream.write(int(0).to_bytes(4, little_endian, signed=False)) else: if self.point_count > np.iinfo(np.uint32).max: raise PylasError( f"Version {self.version} cannot save clouds with more than" f" {np.iinfo(np.uint32).max} points" ) stream.write(self.point_count.to_bytes(4, little_endian, signed=False)) for i in range(5): stream.write( int(self.number_of_points_by_return[i]).to_bytes( 4, little_endian, signed=False ) ) for i in range(3): stream.write(struct.pack("<d", self.scales[i])) for i in range(3): stream.write(struct.pack("<d", self.offsets[i])) for i in range(3): stream.write(struct.pack("<d", self.maxs[i])) stream.write(struct.pack("<d", self.mins[i])) if self.version.minor >= 3: stream.write( self.start_of_waveform_data_packet_record.to_bytes( 8, little_endian, signed=False ) ) if self.version.minor >= 4: stream.write( self.start_of_first_evlr.to_bytes(8, little_endian, signed=False) ) stream.write(self.number_of_evlrs.to_bytes(4, little_endian, signed=False)) stream.write(self.point_count.to_bytes(8, little_endian, signed=False)) for i in range(15): stream.write( int(self.number_of_points_by_return[i]).to_bytes( 8, little_endian, signed=False ) ) if write_vlrs is True: stream.write(vlr_bytes) def _sync_extra_bytes_vlr(self) -> None: try: self.vlrs.extract("ExtraBytesVlr") except IndexError: pass extra_dimensions = list(self.point_format.extra_dimensions) if not extra_dimensions: return eb_vlr = ExtraBytesVlr() for extra_dimension in extra_dimensions: type_str = extra_dimension.type_str() assert type_str is not None eb_struct = ExtraBytesStruct(, description=extra_dimension.description.encode(), ) if extra_dimension.num_elements > 3 and type_str[-2:] == "u1": type_id = 0 eb_struct.options = extra_dimension.num_elements else: type_id = extradims.get_id_for_extra_dim_type(type_str) if extra_dimension.scales is not None: eb_struct.set_scale_is_relevant() for i in range(extra_dimension.num_elements): eb_struct.scale[i] = extra_dimension.scales[i] if extra_dimension.offsets is not None: eb_struct.set_offset_is_relevant() for i in range(extra_dimension.num_elements): eb_struct.offset[i] = extra_dimension.offsets[i] eb_struct.data_type = type_id eb_vlr.extra_bytes_structs.append(eb_struct) self.vlrs.append(eb_vlr) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<LasHeader({self.version.major}.{self.version.minor}, {self.point_format})>"
LAS_HEADERS_SIZE = { "1.2": 227, "1.3": 235, "1.4": 375, }